78 Quick Lube & Auto Care

Did You Know?
The cost for accidents resulting from unperformed vehicle maintenance tops $2 billion a year, according to a 2004 study by Car Care Council. Here are three good reasons to choose 78 Quick Lube & Auto Care for your car maintenance needs:
Our skilled technicians are rigorously trained in an ASE-certified training program
Most all Preventive Maintenance services can be performed within 15 Minutes
On average, you’ll save 20% to 40% on non-oil change services over the dealer prices
Brakes will usually give you a bit of warning before they go. Here's what you may notice:
Noise while braking
Whether it's a squeal or a grind, noise means the brake system needs some attention. Most noises are due to a problem with the brake pads. Pads are the surface of the brake, and they wear down over time. Some are designed to make noise when they get worn. Replacing brake pads is fairly low cost. If you wait too long, though, the brake pads wear through, and then the rotors or discs will be worn, too. That's more expensive to fix.
Spongy feeling
If you have to press the brake pedal further or harder than usual to stop, there could be a problem. It might be worn brake pads, or it could be something else, like a leak in the lines. Get your brakes checked as soon as you can.
Brake warning light
Many people ignore this light if they can't hear or feel anything wrong. This can be very dangerous, especially in later model vehicles with computer-controlled braking systems. When the brake warning light stays on, there's a problem in the brake system that you may not notice otherwise. This could be a faulty sensor — or a possible brake system failure.
Other signs
If your steering pulls to one side when you brake, or you are low on brake fluid, there may also be a problem. Don't wait to get brake service. The cost of a brake repair service is a whole lot less than the cost of failing to stop when you need to!
You can get a brake inspection at any of our stores for any of these problems. We'll tell you what the issue is, give you a firm quote and do the brake repair you need to get back on the road safely, fast. And while you're there, we'll check the air in your tires and fill them free. We want to see you safe.
Even if your brakes aren’t screeching or squealing, it’s a good idea to have them checked periodically. Come in today for a free brake check, and we’ll let you know where they stand.
Brake Check & Advise
Brake Fluid Exchange Advise
The services you need to get you back on the road.
Fluids are the lifeblood of your car. Keeping them fresh protects vital parts, like your engine, from wear or overheating. We’ll let you know what fluids your car needs and get you in and out, fast.
Oil Changes
Brake Fluid Exchange
Coolant Exchange
Transmission Fluid Exchange
Your battery gives your car the power to get you where you need to go. We proudly sell and install America’s No. 1 replacement battery brand, Interstate.
Battery Inspections & Installations
When driving into foul weather, you need to be able to see the road more than ever. That’s why we proudly carry RainX wiper blades, known for their reliability and innovative technologies.
The bumps of everyday driving cause tires to go out of alignment, leading to faster tire wear and reduced gas mileage. Our expert technicians have the right tools and knowledge to get you running smoothly again.
Wheel Alignment
Steering Linkage Assembly
Our bumper-to-bumper vehicle inspection gives you a complete picture of your car’s health. It’s a great way to catch little problems now, before they become big problems later.
Annual Vehicle Inspection
Tires & Wheels
What are the dangers of worn tires?
Worn tires cause serious problems with control, braking and drivability. Here's why:
Heat Build-Up — As the tire wears down, there is less space for air to flow between the grooves of the tread to cool the tires. The tire heats up. Heat is an enemy of tire rubber and a major cause of failure.
Puncture — A thick tire tread protects the tire casing from puncture. If the tread is worn, it's easier for a piece of glass or metal to puncture the tire. If the puncture causes a sudden blowout, you lose control of the steering, which can cause an accident.
Hydroplaning — Deep treads "bite" into water to keep you on the road. Worn tire tread can cause the tires to skate across a wet surface instead, which is called "hydroplaning". This problem can begin when you still have as much as 5/32nds of an inch of tread left.
Air leakage — Tires with worn tread are much more likely to leak air and lose air pressure. This can affect steering, braking and fuel economy.
Worn tires are truly dangerous. Please check your tires often, and replace them when needed.
Why Tire Rotation Is so Important
Tires rotate all the time as they roll down the road. But that's not what it means to "rotate" your tires. Rotating tires means moving them from one wheel to another — from left to right or back to front, or even diagonally.
Why rotate tires? Tires tend to wear unevenly. The front tires tend to wear on the outside edges because the tire leans over when you turn a corner. The rear tires just follow the fronts, so they usually wear more evenly. If you leave tires in place, those outside edges on the front tires will wear down much faster than the rest. You'll have to replace the tires thousands of miles sooner.
A poor alignment or unbalanced tires can also cause uneven wear.
Rotating tires keeps them from wearing unevenly. That will make your ride smoother and handling safer. And it extends the life of your tires, saving you time and money in the long run.
There are 3 key things that should happen during a tire rotation:
Each tire and wheel is removed from your car or truck, and moved to a different position.
Air pressure should be checked and adjusted as necessary
Brakes should be checked while the tires are off and it's easy to see and reach them.